I made my list~~~even had coupons~~~and went to the grocery. Later at home I realized that I left out the main ingredient for dinner tonight~~RIBS. So, I went to Kroger, again. Driving into the parking lot while talking to Abby I see the crowd of shoppers gathered around a big box. It could only mean one thing. FREE PUPPIES.
Amber: Abby, tell me not to get a puppy, that it is a bad idea. ]
Abby: Seriously, its like having a baby, Amber. DO NOT get a puppy.
Amber: Ok....thanks. No puppy.
15 minutes later, Abby calls back as I am in Kroger.
Abby: Hey, are you shopping?
Amber: Yes, you won't believe what I did.
Abby: YOU DIDN'T?!?!?!?
Yes, I did. She is adorable going into hour 8. A snuggler. Herschel doesn't seem to care for her. And in a couple of days, everyone in Jackson County might hear me cursing in the rain in the middle of the night.
But for now, I dig her.
Welcome the new addition, Bella. PS....I know you all know I am a Twilight FREAK, but I have always wanted a female dog named Bella or Georgie. So I named her Bella, reserving Georgie for another bulldog one day. SERIOUSLY.....
She is sooooooo cute and cuddly! Can't wait to meet her. :)
It's good to know that there are other suckers like me out there.
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